

After loading the map, you will find the menu toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen on a navy-blue vertical strip.

1. The Home icon will take you back to the main page where you can read about the map and the importance of monitoring and managing groundwater.

2. This icon will divert you to the “deep dive” map with more details and navigation options if you want to explore the map even more. This is suitable for environmental scientists and practitioners in the field.

Layers 3. Click on the Add/remove map layers icon on the blue strip to reveal the layers of the map. Then click the check-boxes to select what you wish to see displayed on the map on your right. E.g., boreholes/ wells/ dug wells, and weather stations as shown on the screen shot on the right. Checking and unchecking the check-boxes will switch the layers displayed on the map on and off. Click on this icon: next to a layer for more information on it. E.g., Water source areas in Cape Town. If you need more information on how the layer is displaying the features in different colours you can click the ▶ icon to expand a legend. Clicking on the layer name itself will open an information popup about what the layer displays and possibly links to other documents.

4. Select the Map overview icon for more information on the map, which also has a link to this page.

5. Most active layers allow you to click on the displayed map features to obtain information about the feature. E.g., clicking on a borehole pops up a panel with information like borehole identifiers, coordinates, use, etc. If other data like water levels over time are available for that borehole or rainfall over time for a rainfall station, a chart will also be displayed. The information popup (and other information panels) will replace the Add/remove map layers panel, which can then be re-opened by clicking the icon.

6. Select the Measure icon to measure the distance, perimeter or area between features. E.g., the distance between two boreholes.

7. Select the View/hide data tables icon to view detailed data on boreholes, springs and rainfall stations

8. Select the Statistics icon to view average groundwater levels in your area and in other locations you might be interested in. The statistics will be displayed on the right side of the map. Please make sure to read the help on the statistics for clarification of the displayed information and charts.

9. Use the search function at the top right to search for a specific location.

10. Map icons on the brown navigation bar on the top right-hand side of the map will help you pan and zoom in and out of the map.

💡 TIP: If you need to get back to this page at any point of your map navigation, you can go to the home page and find the “How to navigate” link towards the bottom.


Copyright © 2022 - Table Mountain Water Source Partnership